Anti-protons are tracked in the reverse mode (i.e., protons are moved reverse direction) at near north magnetic pole. The momentum is 500 MeV.
Cosmos result is compared with some experimental data. Calculation is by C.S.Zhang.
Cosmos result is compated with the Mutron data. Calculation is by C.S.Zhang. The difference at the low energy region would tell us that we need complete 3 dimensional calculations because the shadowing by the earth surface destroies the symmetry around the input incident angle. (Note the flux calculation is usually performed with 1 dimentional calcualtions, although the the elementary calculation itself is 3 dimensional. It is very difficult to make a real 3 dimensional flux calculation in genral).
Comment by Xiao Zhang: In the following is a PS code showing a comparison of COSMOS (symbols) with App.B formula (solid curves), where the up symbles are for secondary photons and the low ones secondary e+ & e-. The primary is 50 GeV photons. The points compared with App.B are calculated under KEmin=0.5 MeV. regards. Xiao Zhang
Comment by Xiao Zhang: In the following is a PS code showing a comparason of COSMOS (solid curves, 1000 events) with GEANT (symbols, 100 events). The primary is 500 GeV photons. Minimum followed energy is 8 MeV. Up figures are lateral distribution for secondary photons and e+ & e-. Low ones are interal energy spectra. Regards. Xiao Zhang
In the following is a PS code showing a comparason of COSMOS (solid curves, 1000 events) with GEANT (symbols, 100 events). The primary is 500 GeV protons. Minimum followed energy is 8 MeV. Up figures are lateral distribution for secondary photons and e+ & e-. Low ones are interal energy spectra. Regards. Xiao Zhang