Download a source file

Go to Download page and download the latest COSMOS packaege.

Unpack the CosmoX.XXX.tar.gz file in your COSMOS directory. Here X.XXX means the version number you downloaded.
tarzxvf CosmosX.XXX.tar.gz
cd CosmosX.XXX

Environment variables setup

When you use a bash family shell
source Scrpt/

When you use a csh family shell
source Scrpt/sevi

If you are familiar, you can copy the contents of sevi file in your .cshrc or .bashrc.


When you can usecmake command


Your can test the sample code. Or trouble shooting.

When you can not usecmakecommand

Search a configuration file appropriate with your environment by typing.
ls config

Copy the configuration file to your COSMOS top directory
cp config/site.configYYYYYY ./site.config
Here YYYY depends on your choise. If you select, for example, site.configLinuxGfort, copy it to your COSMOS top directory
example) cp config/site.configLinuxGfort ./site.config

Now let us start compile
make clean; make

Run a sample (First Kiss)

Compile with cmake

cd Example/FirstKiss
(NOTE: if you are familiar with the old COSMOS, it is no more in UserHook/.)

Compile witout cmake

cd UserHook/FirstKiss
make clean; make

Run the sample code

Now you can find cosmosYYY, where YYY depends on your configuration file (site.config).
./cosmosYYY < param
After a lot of text output, you may see a message 'Conguratulasions' if the sample code works.

Trouble Shooting