- The entire Cosmos.uv6.25.tar.gz
(4608661 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, select appropriate
site.config and make veryclean; make
- Absoft Fortran 90 On Linux and Free BSD rather often crashes
in old Lund code. This is due to negative square root.
This was corrected and the code seems to run as stable as on
other platfomes.
- The Mac OS X with the Abosft fortran is supported. No
dual cpu mode specification has been tested yet.
- If you have a valid uv6.22 please download
( 1073372 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make veryclean; make.
get the entire Cosmos.uv6.24.tar.gz
( 4600122 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, select appropriate
site.config and make veryclean; make
- Absoft Fortran 90 On Linux and Free BSD in some cases cannot read
namelist output created by itself unless we put an
option in the open statement. ( This happens for IntModel which
specifies more than 2 models). This defect will be
manifested for Cont job, Skeleton making job etc which reread
a parameter file once created Cosmos itself. This was fixed.
Accordingly, namelist file must be opened by copenNLf or
copenNLfw instead of copenf or copenfw.
- Seed file flush is performed on IBMAIX, too.
- You can make a library which dose not contain dpmjet3
component by specifying #define USEDPMJET 0 in comsos/Zcondc.h.
The library made in this way can be used in Epics which were
otherwize too large for execution (at present, NEXTSTEP is such
an example)
- If you have uv6.22, it is recomended to make the following
change in Cosmos/Partilce/Event/Interface/cdpmjet.f:
idp = 25
must be replcaced by
idp = 24
This is to treat K0_bar collision as K0 collision;dpmjet3 will
easily die if K0_bar collision is encountered.
This is version uv6.23
- If you have one of valid uv6.10 ~ uv6.20, please download
( 260163 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make veryclean; make.
get the entire Cosmos.uv6.22.tar.gz
( 4599282 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, select appropriate
site.config and make veryclean; make
- By some reason related to dpmjet3, proton interactions
below 2 GeV (k.e) was not correctrly treated. This was fixed.
- Also, low energy heavy almost stopping caused floating
error, this was fixed.
- Seed file output is made to be flushed for each event.
(if append mode is available).
- SGI is supported.
- If you have one of valid uv6.10 ~ uv6.17, please download
( 169385 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make veryclean; make.
get the entire Cosmos.uv6.20.tar.gz
( 4600024 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, select appropriate
site.config and make veryclean; make
cppFCPCLinux in Cosmos/Scrpt/ must be replaced by this
- For PCLinux, we now use f90 instead of
f77, otherwise no good object code can be generated.
- According to this change, chookHybAS.f must be
modified. ("integer site" cannot be used). To fix this,
Copy Template/chokHybAS.f to your Applicaiton directory).
- For every platform, temp*.f is kept in the directory
where the program is being compiled. If you want to
remove this, use make veryclean.
- If you have one of valid uv6.10 ~ uv6.16, please download
( 86723 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make.
get the entire Cosmos.uv6.17.tar.gz
(4597903 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
It is better to add -s option for Absoft compiler used in Linux/FreeBSD;
Nucrin bug-fixed in 6.16 needs this or (save in aado.f). For safety,
all variables are made statics by -s.
Rare 'overflow' due to dedx< 0 for stopping muon is fixed.
- If you have one of valid uv6.10 ~ uv6.15, please download
( 75670 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make.
get the entire Cosmos.uv6.16.tar.gz
(4597598 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
At present, dpmjet3 cannot treat A>18 heavy primaries
correctly. So we tentatively
use for such heavyy simple superposition method.
Low energy dpmjet3 needs elastic cross-sections. We borrow Gheisha's
total cross-section for this.
- If you have one of valid uv6.10 ~ uv6.13, please download
( 57609 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make.
get the entire Cosmos.uv6.14.tar.gz
(4596504 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
Bug fix; dpmjet3 cannot treat heavy ion interaction below 5GeV/n.
This was a cause of zero divide. For such heavy ion interaction,
dpmjet3 is bypassed. The side effec by this bypass brought
a bug in uv6.11 and this is fixed in 6.12.
nucrin found to have a bug and corrected. cthick2len.f is
updated so that it dose not give negative length.
Also update for IBM users is included.
- If you have a valid uv6.00 , please download
( 212093 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make.
get the entire Cosmos.uv6.10.tar.gz
(4594553 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
If you cannot make the library on a DEC Alpha machine, probably you need
to replace Cosmos/Scrpt/cppFCDECALPHA2 by
this one .
This version should be stable. A few trivial bugs in 6.00 was fixed.
New skeleton-flesh method is implemented
Go to UserHook/SkelFlesh and read Readme.
- Get Cosmos.uv6.00.tar.gz
( 433055 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make.
This version realized the inclusion of dpmjet3.03.
The usage of IntModel has been changed ('"dpmjet3"' is recomended ).
This version supports PC Linux with the Absoft Pro Fortran.
As to dpmjet3, thanks are due to DR.Roesler and co-authors. If you refer
dpmjet3 in your paper, please cite:
S. Roesler, R. Engel, and J. Ranft:
The Monte Carlo Event Generator DPMJET-III
SLAC-PUB-8740, hep-ph/0012252, to be published in Proceedings of the
the Conference ``Monte Carlo 2000'', Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 October 2000.
- If you have a valid uv5.6[0-1] , please download
(107368 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make.
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.65.tar.gz
(2079598 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
This version can be used for full AMS simulation. Some improvement on
the geomagnetic defletcion is implemented.
- If you have a valid uv5.60 , please download
(114858 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make.
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.61.tar.gz
(2976741 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
If kgetenv_ becomes unresolved at link
do the following at Manager/Ccode:
ar -r $COSMOSTOP/lib/(ARCH)/libcosmos.a kgetenv.o
- If you have a valid uv5.55 , please download
(121535 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make.
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.60.tar.gz
(2972750 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
Almost all users need not to upgrade to this verison. If the one and the
same partcle crosses a given obseration depth more than once, and if
you want to know such a particle, aTrack.label, can be used; if the
lable number is the same, it is the same particle. To activate this
function, cosmos/Zcondc.h must be modified; its LABELING must be made
to have a value of 1.
If kgetenv_ becomes unresolved at link
do the following at Manager/Ccode:
ar -r $COSMOSTOP/lib/(ARCH)/libcosmos.a kgetenv.o
- If you have a valid uv5.23 or a newer version, please download
( 164960 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make.
In this case, it is recommended to remove one module (if any) from the library:
cblkXsec.o before make
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.55.tar.gz
(2918922 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
Feature of this version:
- Geomagnetic field data can be specified by a file.
See Version/Readme for more details
- Some odd feature of pair creation spectrum is removed.
(this bug will not produce any observable effect in the cascase).
On this occasion, brems code has also been renewed. They
are adapted versions from Epics.
- Able to make a simulation to compare with the AMS
results by simple use of Job='skeleton' and Reverse=1
and Job='flesh'.
- If you have a valid uv5.23 or a newer version, please download
( 78787 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make.
In this case, it is recommended to remove one module from the library:
cblkXsec.o before make
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.50.tar.gz
(2877769 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
This version supports Alpha Linux in two ways.
Details here
Bug fix for the case where the injection height is > 1000 km and
primary zeinth is > 50 deg; very slow stepping was corrected.
And the user can now use ObsPlane=3 fully
Bug fix for Obsplane=3. From uv5.40, the default executable name
is cosmos$ARCH where $ARCH means ARCH in site.config.
- If you have a valid uv5.22, please download
( 31784 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.23.tar.gz
(2870790 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
- If you have a valid uv5.15, please download
(308450 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.22.tar.gz
(2871129 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; then, make clean; make
The changes:
- uv5.15 has a bug that the 'skeleton-flesh' method cannot be used.
This was corrected. Now, 'skelton-flesh' method is also usable
at the distributed job mode, too. (The user need not modify
the SkeletonParam file in this distributed mode).
- A new format of the cutoff table is supported. The format is for
azimuthal-angle-integrated tables.
(see Contrib/Data/CutoffNew/sanriku-10kcut).
- Decay in flight is treated accurately (the life time becomes
shorter due to inonizaiton energy loss during flight;
this is correctly taken into account. The muon flux
will be affected a bit below 1 GeV. The effect is at most
~5% decrease at around 100 MeV. Consecquently,
neutrino flux increases a bit.
- ObsPlane=3 (spherical) is fully supported.
In that case, primary injection points will be
distributed uniformly around
(LatitOfObs, LongitOfObs, HeightOfInj). The points are
distributed within an opening angle region (from that
point) which is determined by real(Azimuth) and imag(Azimuth).
(Hence, usage of Azimuth is unusal).
The incident angle is determined by Coszenith so that
the zenith angle around the injection point is
uniform in real(CosZenith) and imag(CosZenith).
The user will get (x,y,z) in Exyz coordinate at
observation height specified by DepthList or HeightList.
If the user wants to get (x,y,z) for ObsPlane=1 or 2
case, it may be made to be negative.
ObsPlane=0 (NotUsed) is to use BorderHeight{L,H}
for observation. However, primary is directed to
the deepest observation depth. The user also gets
(x,y.z) in the Exyz.
- If you have a valid uv5.14, please download
(21824 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.15.tar.gz
(2779885 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
The changes: A new parameter KnockOnRatio
is introduced (with default value 0.1). This sets the
minimum knockon electron energy by KnockOnRatio x KEminObs
so that the efficient simulation is possible without
worring about too low knockon energy. (previously
determined by RecoilKineMinE).
- If you have a valid uv5.13, please download
(21824 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.14.tar.gz
(2748622 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
The changes: HowGeomag can take a value, 31 for which case we assume
no magnetic field until the first collision of the incident.
The magnetic field is applied later depending on the particle
From uv 4.92 to uv5.13, we assumed no dE/dx (ionization) loss
for the incident when no magnetic field is applied to it.
However, we resumed the older style so that dE/dx is
considered before the first collision of the incident.
- If you have a valid uv5.12, please download
(79837 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home; make clean; make
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.13.tar.gz
(2748344 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
For the change in this version, please read
changes in uv5.13(59024 B; gzipped postscript file).
- Known bug for uv5.12 or earlier
Don't use very high primary injection point
(>4000 km) and low minimum energy (< several GeV)
(or very inclined primaries).
- If you have a valid uv5.10 or uv5.11 already, please download
(50073 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.12.tar.gz
(2741711 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
Since uv5.11 has been released only a half day ago, it was deleted.
The default value of SucInt was resumed to the value of <= uv4.90
- If you have valid uv5.03 already, please download
(233244 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home
get the entire Cosmos.uv5.10.tar.gz
(4164580 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
This version has been verified to be very stable.
- Do you have some link trouble with the uv5.03 ?
If it is 'unresolved external reference' or something like,
do make clean before 'make'.
If it is something like showing double definition of block
data, probably next will work.
- Goto Comsos/lib/xxx/, and 'ar -d libcosmos.a cbdXsec.o'
- Goto Comsos/Particle/Event/Xsection, and rm cbdXsec.f
- Install new Makefile for
that directory. This, however, should be unpacked
in the Comsos home.
- Then, 'make' the library again.
- uv5.03. Release May. 08. 1999
Cosmos.uv5.03Diff.tar.gz(76596 B)
This should be unpacked in Cosmos home, after defrosting
uv5.02Diff listed below.
Before uv5.03, the main program has been included in the library.
However, this sometimes brought about problems in some system.
(Especially when EPICS/Util/drawConfig.f is compiled).
So the main program is excluded from the library and made to be
compiled every time when the userhook program is compiled.
The user must remove cmain.o in the old library
by "ar -d libcosmos.a cmain.o"
and 'make' again. If you don't
know what is meant here, simply delete all in Cosmos/lib/ and 'make'
The user is recommended to remove Cosmos/Manager/cmain.f
, although it is not absolutely necessary.
If you have your own userhook routine,
you must put
#include "../cmain.f" at the top
of your chook.f program.
1) In the 2nd namelist parameter, you can use
UserHookr, UserHooki, UserHookc as the parameters
which can be used by the user freely.
They are real*8, integer, and
character*100 arrays, respectively.
(This default size is, 10,10, and 5).
To know the values of the i-th parameter of these
you may call
- call cqUHookc(i,cv) for character*100 parameters.
cv is the output characters.
- call cqUHooki(i, iv) for integer parameters.
iv is the integer output.
- call cqHookr(i, rv) for real*8 paramters.
rv is the real*8 output.
2) Bug fix in the Lund Fritiof (zero divide).
3) Azimuthal angle of the cutoff table is defined to be
measrued from the south anti-clock wise.
If you feel bother to do the things above.
get the entire
Cosmos.uv5.03.tar.gz(4102428B)and unpack it in an empty directory.
- uv5.02. Release May. 03. 1999
Cosmos.uv5.02Diff.tar.gz(36319 B)
This should be unpacked in Cosmos home, after defrosting
uv5.01Diff listed below.
Bug fix: The zero divide in the Lund Fritiof code.
Bug fix: Ke3 decay gives too small neu-e energy.
- uv5.01. Release May. 01. 1999
Cosmos.uv5.01Diff.tar.gz(42833 B)
This should be unpacked in Cosmos home.
Bug correction for Digital unix.
lastev command in DistJob/bin/ is added
distjob and collect in DistJob/bin/ are upgraded so that
the file name when collecting data can be different from
the one at generation time.
- uv5.00. Release Apr.08. 1999.
Cosmos.uv5.00.tar.gz(4094773 bytes)
There is no 'Diff' distribution with this version
inspite of the difference from the previous verison
is very small. This one should be compatible with
the new release of EPICS (EPICS.uv5.00)
You should not unpack this version in the
old Cosmos directory. This must be unpacked in a new empty directory
The New manual is available.
- uv4.92. Release Oct.25. 1998.
If you have already uv4.90,
please download this
Cosmos.uv4.92Diff.tar.gz(34301 B)
and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
get the complete source;
Cosmos.uv4.92.tar.gz(1565825 B)
If you are a user of Solaris,
you will need to use
this site.configSolaris in the Cosmos directory,
and also need to put this cppFCSolaris
Cosmos/Scrpt as an executable. The Solaris environment has been
supported long time ago, but these two have been missing
so far.
- uv4.90. Release Jun.29. 1998.
If you have already uv4.72,
please download this
and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
get the complete source;
Cosmos.uv4.90.tar.gz(1563466 B)
Makefile in Particle/Event/Elemag is now
corrected(1998/Sep/28) without changing the version
In this version, a bug with MulLow=1 has been corrected;
MulLow=1 specifies the QCD like multiplicity dependence.
The dependence was correct but the absolute value was
twice as large as the intended one.
For deafault MulLow=0, there is also a some change
in the average Pt values; they were about ~15 % larger
than the experimental values.
- uv4.72. Release Mar.28, 1998. If you have already uv4.71
please download this
Cosmos.uv4.72Diff.tar.gz(26006 B)
and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
get the complete source;
Cosmos.uv4.72.tar.gz(1560895 B)
NOTE that
Makefile in Particle/Event/Elemag is not a correct
one so that you may replace it by
this Makefile
In this version, a bug related to the heavy primary interaction was
- uv4.71. Release Mar.21, 1998. If you have already uv4.70
please download this
Cosmos.uv4.71Diff.tar.gz(40385 B)
and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
get the complete source;
Cosmos.uv4.71.tar.gz(1560796 B)
- uv4.70. Release Mar.14, 1998. If you have already uv4.60
please download this
Cosmos.uv4.70Diff.tar.gz(83365 B)
and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
get the complete source;
Cosmos.uv4.70.tar.gz(1560416 B)
Some bug fixes which may be very important on
some platforms.
- uv4.60. Release Feb.26, 1998. If you have already uv4.51
please download this
Cosmos.uv4.60Diff.tar.gz(54390 B)
and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
get the complete source;
Cosmos.uv4.60.tar.gz(1558985 B)
Bug fixes:
- ObsPlane=2 gave wrong direction cosines of
observed particles. This was corrected.
- Lorentz boost at high energy failed in some special rare cases to
produce unphysical quantities or lead to crash program run.
This was corrected.
New feature:
- ObsPlane=-1 or -2 may be given so that the user can
get coordinate values of particles at the Exyz system.
Others are the same as 1 or 2, respectively.
- XaxisFromSouth is added in the 2nd parameter list.
It is to specify the angle (deg) between the
horizontal detector x-axis and the south.
(counter clockwise is +). If its absolute is > 360.0
it is computed to be the magnetic east as
it is the case in
the older versions.
- Random number seed and event number for each event are
written on SeedFile unless SeedFile!=' ' even if
Job=' '.
- uv4.51. Release Dec.03, 1997. This release is only in
patch level. You should have uv4.50 and then get
(23454 B) and unpack it in the Cosmos home.
Who needs this patch?
- If ALL
the following conditions are met, primary energy
sampling fails or gives wrong energy.
- Energy unit is not in GeV.
- Mass is not negligible in particle energy.
- Enegy is given in kinetic energy or momentum (optionally in
In this patch, I also changed default values in Zmaxdef.h;
The number of observation sites (for AS and each particle) is
made to be 20.
- uv4.50. Release Nov.27, 1997. If you have already uv4.12
please download this
Cosmos.uv4.50Diff.tar.gz(119541 B)
and defrost it in the Cosmos home.
(You shouldchmod +w Data/Primary/sample.d
before defrosting, since the file contains new information
for primary energy sampling.).
get the complete source;
Cosmos.uv4.50.tar.gz(1565609 B)
- uv4.12. Release Jun.21, 1997. If you have already uv4.10
please download this
and defrost it in the Cosmos home
get the complete source;
Cosmos.uv4.12.tar.gz(1559200 B)
uv4.10 is almost not usable
unless the above bug correction is not made.
If you run sample program in UserHook
(if you use Cosmos first, you will do it !), you have to
correct the first line of the chookSample.f:
The name of the included file should be
chookHybAS.f but not chookHbyAS.f.
- uv4.11 has been deleted since tar.gz file was not complete.
The leng modification logic in this version was
leng = leng * 1.005
This worked fine for at least 1000 showers. However, this
was changed to
leng = leng + abs(0.01/dircos.r(3))
in uv4.12, since the new one would be
better for the arrival time problem.
- uv4.10. Release Jun.14, 1997. If you have already uv4.02
please download this
and defrost it in the Cosmos home
get the complete source;
This version corrected minor bugs and the user can simulate
upgoing incident particle cases.
For details, see Readme in Version.
- One bug should be corrected if your play ground
is Cerekov light production and primary is
a hadron with energy more than a few TeV
(If the bug part is executed, the program run
stops). To correct the bug, you may edit
Trcking/cputCerenkov.f and find the part
if( ka .gt. knuc) then
the = thnuc * Code2massN(ka)
the = crnth(ka)
at around line 57.
You may change one line as indicated by <-------- below.
if( ka .gt. knuc) then
the = thg * TrackBefMove.p.mass <----------
the = crnth(ka)
- uv4.02. Release May.17, 1997. If you have already uv4.01
please download this
and defrost it in the Cosmos home
get the complete source;
This version introduced some new user interface, mainly for
the users who want to manage air fluorescense light generation.
For details, see Readme in Version.
- uv4.01. Release Feb.15, 1997. If you have already uv4.00
Please download this
and defrost it in the Cosmos home
get the complete source;
This version will run faster for large zenith angle
primaries in case of one dimensional calculation.
Some other improvment for Cerenkov observation is
introduced. See Version/Readme.
- uv4.00. Release Nov.7, 1996.
If you have already uv3.50
Please download this Cosmos.uv4.00Diff.tar.gz(156452B)
and defrost it in the Cosmos home else
get the complete source;
Note: uv3.00 to 3.50 have a serious bug. Also all previous
versions have problems on the low energy muon number in A.S
- Cosmos.uv3.50.tar.gz(1769591B)
Release Oct. 01/1996
This version fixed two arithmetic errors such as negtive
sqrt of a very small number. Also one cause of infite loop
was removed. Rapid computation of hybrid A.S gneration is
assured; skeleton/flesh-out method also confirmed
to work. Some bug/inconvenience at > 10^19 eV was eliminated.
Explicit eta meson production which is important for the LPM effect
is taken into account.
- Cosmos.uv3.10.tar.gz(1717763B)
Release Sep. 18/1996
This version fixes 3 bugs which are not harmful for normal
applicaions. Also there is an improvement in treating
hybrid air shower generation, especailly, at very high
energges (> 10^18 eV). See Readme in the Version section.
- Cosmos.uv3.02tar.gz(1685980B)
Release Sep. 14/1996
There found one problem in uv3.01 in DEC Fortran compiler which
is corrected in uv3.02. So uv3.01 has been purged.
pythia.f and jetset.f in uv3.00 has problems with DEC Fortran compiler.
(Possibly also with IBM Fortran, too). So uv3.00 was purged.
In this version, the ad hoc model was updated. New Lund code was
implemented. Complete magnetic bremsstrahlung and pair creation
have been incorporated. See the Readme in Version section
for details and figs in
basic data.
- Cosmos.uv2.203tar.gz(1436162B)
Release Feb. 26/1996
In this version, a bug has been corrected which led to a smaller
number of particles (esp. muons) at near sea level.
- Cosmos.uv2.202tar.gz(1436054B)
Release Feb. 02/1996
Sorry. I forgot correcting charge assignment in the photo-hadron
production in the previous release. Without this correction,
positive muons excess will be seen for gamma primary showers,
for instance.
- Cosmos.uv2.201.tar.gz(1.45MB)
Release Feb. 02/1996
Bug correction in the photo-hadron production is made.
If you have uv2.200, you don't need download this.
At around line 83 of Particle/Event/GammaN/cgpHad.f, you find
elseif(jtype .ge. 3 .or. jtype .eq. 4) then
c now in cms. boot to lab
should read
elseif(jtype .eq. 3 .or. jtype .eq. 4) then
c now in cms. boost to lab
- Cosmos.uv2.200.tar.gz(1.45MB)
Release Jan. 24/1996
Bug correction in the photo-hadron production is made.
- Cosmos.uv2.107.tar.gz(1.45MB)
Release Jan. 01/1996
This version is essentially the same as uv2.106. Some name collisions
with epics were removed.